So I haven't posted in a while, all due to sheer laziness + partaking in uninteresting activities. My schedule usually consists of wake up, work out (if I wake up in time), go to work, come home, and sleep. Then it repeats all over again. This vicious cycle got the better of me, as I was feeling extremely lethargic after coming home from work and having to go back in the next day and do the same shift. This became my routine for quite a while, but I decided I wanted to change things up a bit. So in addition to the mundane life I was living, I decided I wanted to turn it up a notch and focus on building a healthier me.
I started waking up much earlier, working out by doing several cardio exercises mixed in with multiple toning challenges, as well as creating a healthier diet for myself throughout the day. After doing this for about a week, I felt like a had much more energy during my days at work, a kind of ease to waking up earlier, and was just feeling a whole lot better in general. As I'm continuing to do this, one of the key factors to my new routine is replacing a portion of my breakfast and dinner with a greens + fruit smoothie. I do this Monday to Friday, giving myself time to fuel up on actual foods during the weekends and increase my discipline towards cravings. I don't usually like eating spinach, but in some of these smoothies, I could barely even taste it! So here it is...
From top row to bottom row: 1. strawberry, mango, spinach; 2. banana, blueberry, spinach; 3. strawberry, banana, blueberry, spinach; 4. mango, raspberry, banana, spinach; 5. strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, spinach

Smoothie #2 was my absolute favorite! With this and my workout schedule, I find myself feeling healthier and more fit. I also noticed that I've significantly lost about 10lbs since I started doing this. Keep in mind that this is not my prime objective. I honestly don't care if I lose weight or not. I'd rather be healthy and be capable of beating someone up than be stick thin. I'm just trying these challenges out to create a much healthier lifestyle for myself. Look good? feel good? It's all good.

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